Low confidence suggestions

Learn how to configure your bot to offer suggestions when it does not understand what the user says.

By default a bot may answer FAQ questions during guided task conversation steps. Whenever the user asks a question in such a manner and the bot isn’t able to infer its meaning because of low confidence, an invalid-replies answer is displayed. This behavior may be altered by using this setting. If low confidence suggestions are enabled, the bot will provide suggestions for questions with confidence below the confidence-threshold. Suggestions used by the end users will be stored as User suggestions in the Understanding assessment

Suggestions prompt

The text with which the bot will present the user the low confidence suggestions.

Suggestions with option to search prompt

The text with which the bot will present the user the low confidence suggestions if Search fallback has been enabled too.

Enable low confidence suggestions outside conversations

By default, the bot offers FAQs from its training when they were recognized with low confidence only during a goal type conversation. By enabling this you allow low confidence suggestions to be showed outside of conversations as well.

Enable suggestions for conversation triggers

By default, the bot only offers FAQs from its training when they were recognized with low confidence. By enabling this you allow the bot to offer conversation trigger expressions as well.

Do not show suggestions for the following QnA categories

List with FAQ categories that you want your bot to ignore and not offer as suggestions.

Do not show suggestions for the following conversations

List with conversations that you want your bot to ignore and not offer as suggestions.