User feedback

Learn how to configure your bot to ask the user for feedback after it has answered an FAQ, finished a conversation or executed search.

When you enable the feature, NativeChat will prompt the user for feedback on FAQs, goal conversations and search as fallback, depending on configuration.

Feedback prompt

The text with which the bot will prompt the user for feedback for conversations, FAQs and search.

Collect conversation feedback

By enabling this you instruct the bot to collect feedback after conversations.

Collect FAQ feedback

By enabling this you instruct the bot to collect feedback for FAQs.

FAQ feedback prompt

The text with which the bot will prompt the user for feedback for FAQs.

Collect Search feedback

By enabling this you instruct the bot to collect feedback for executed searches.

Search feedback prompt

The text with which the bot will prompt the user for feedback for executed searches.

Do not collect user feedback for the following QnA categories

List with FAQ categories that you want your bot to ignore and not ask for feedback.

Do not collect user feedback for the following conversations

List with conversations that you want your bot to ignore and not ask for feedback.