Search fallback

Learn how to configure your bot to search using a preferred search service as a fallback when it does not understand what the user says.

By default, whenever the user asks a question in such a manner and the bot isn’t able to infer its meaning because of low confidence, an invalid-replies answer is displayed (inside of a guided task conversation) or the bot starts the help conversation. This behavior may be altered by using this setting. If search fallback is enabled, the bot will offer the user to search with the configured search engine for user messages that it does not understand or understands with confidence below the confidence-threshold conversation.

Search prompt

The text with which the bot will offer the user to search.

Offer custom prompt reply options

By default, the bot will offer Yes/No as quick reply options for the search pompt. If Offer custom prompt reply options is activated you can specify custom quick reply options.

Prompt options (Offer custom prompt reply options ON)

The quick-reply options the bot will offer for the search prompt.

Hits found message

The text with which the bot will present the search hits to the user.

No hits found message

The text the bot will use when it found no hits.

Results format

The format in which the bot presents the search hits to the user. Can be Carousel, Quick action buttons or Text.

The bot will present the search hits in a carousel widget. This caption will be used for the Open URL button in each item.

If the bot does not understand the message from the user but the length of message is lower than this limit, the bot will not offer to search.

Max number of search hits shown to the user

Maximum number of search hits the bot can show the user.

Search provider

Sitefinity Search or Google Custom Search

Sitefinity search index catalogue name

The search index name is the programmatic name of the search index - the one on the backend, to lower case, with - symbol, instead of space, e.g. if you have created All Content Index, the name of the catalogue is all-content-index.

Sitefinity search service path

URL path to the search service of the specific Sitefinity deployment. The path will be in the format https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/api/<SERIVCE_NAME>. You can view the web services in the Administration panel of Sitefinity.

Sitefinity search access key

User access key, if configured. This will be needed if the web service you are using requires authentication. If authentication is required, you can create a user in the Users section in the Administration panel of Sitefinity and generate an access key for that user.

Google Custom Search API Key

API key for Google Custom Search.

The Programmable Search Engine ID to use for search requests

Id of the Programmable Search Engine. Corresponds to query parameter cx.

Phrase that all documents in the search results must contain

Corresponds to query parameter exactTerms.

A word or phrase that should not appear in any documents in the search results

Corresponds to query parameter excludeTerms.

Additional search terms to check for in a document, where each document in the search results must contain at least one of the additional search terms

Corresponds to query parameter orTerms.